(818) 997 0414 ncadd@ncadd-sfv.org


DUI COURT CASE MANAGEMENTIn the late 1970’s, the Van Nuys, San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Burbank courts jointly requested NCADD-SFV to develop a DUI Court Case Management System[CCMS].

California state law requires individuals convicted of a DUI offense to complete a court ordered state licensed DUI treatment program. [CCMS] maintains offices in the Van Nuys, San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Burbank courts.

Click here to view our office locations.

CCMS provides case management services for the court of jurisdiction and all individuals convicted of a DUI offense under the jurisdiction of the specific referenced courts, i.e Van Nuys, San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Burbank.


DUI Court Case ManagementThe Court provides DUI Court Case Management Services [CCMS] with the conviction documentation that instructs the individual to meet with the Court Case Management Specialist. Our specialists are stationed in the courts to ensure the individual is approproiately assigned to a state licensed DUI treatment program and monitors their progress for the court throughout the length of their court ordered program to ensure successful compliance.

[CCMS] monitors all aspects of the indivdual’s case for the duration of the specific program ordered by the Court, such as the following:

  • SB-1176 – 12 Hour (wet reckless)
  • AB-541 – 3 Month
  • AB-762 – 6 Month
  • AB-1353 – 9 Month
  • SB-38 – 18 Month
  • SB-1365 – 30 Month

When approved by the Court of Jurisdiction, [CCMS] monitors Out of State DUI cases for individuals requesting to complete the DUI Program in another state.

Our DUI Court Case Management Specialist remains in contact with the individual’s specific state licensed DUI treatment program on a daily basis. We assist the individual in remaining compliant with their DUI treatment program regulations and assist them in achieving their assigned deadlines for the following areas:

  • Failure to Register with NCADD-SFV (No – Show)
  • Proof of Enrollment
  • Failure to Enroll
  • Proof of Completion

DUI COURT CASE MANAGEMENTIn addition to our services provided to the courts we obtain proof of enrollment, progress reports, terminations, notification of transfers, notifications of bench warrants, program completions, etc. All documentation is processed several days in advance and submitted to the Court before the individual’s court appearance. Failure to comply with any of the requirements will result in CCMS notifying the Court for further action.

[CCMS] is committed to helping our clients. We understand how overwhelming the situation might be and how circumstances may vary between individuals. We are here to assist the participant in the successful completion of their program.

Accepted Forms of Payment:



-Debit/Credit Cards with (4%) Surcharge

-Money Order

-Cashier’s Check


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